Gifted Education

Toni Viscounte


How does Sebring Local Schools spend their Gifted Educational Funding Dollars?

  • During the 2024-2025 school year, the district will receive $73,284.73. The following is the breakdown of how the dollars will be spent:

  • $3,751.59: Gifted Identification.  The district purchased i-Ready for  K-6 reading and math gifted screening/identification.  The district purchases InView for superior cognitive testing which is administered in the 2nd and 5th grades.  

  • $662.19: Testing for referrals

  • $741.66: Professional Development

  • $31,086.47: Gifted Coordinator

  • $37,042.82: Gifted Intervention Specialist, The district purchase a gifted intervention specialist (gifted teacher) through the Columbiana County Educational Service Center.


It is believed that all students have varying potentials for achievement and that each student should be given opportunities for intellectual growth. In keeping with this belief, the Sebring Local School District has provided a gifted program for those students whose intellectual abilities and potential for achievement are outstanding.

The gifted program will include the same goals found in the regular classroom, but in a broader capacity. Emphasis will be placed on the intellectual growth of each student. Each student will be afforded the opportunities to find his/her own abilities and areas of interest, to experience the problems of these chosen areas, and to develop real solutions to these problems.


Giftedness consists of an interaction among four basic clusters of human traits - superior cognitive ability, specific academic ability, creative thinking, and visual and performing arts. Gifted children are those possessing or capable of developing this composite set of traits and applying them to any potentially valuable area of human performance.

Children who manifest or are capable of developing an interaction among the clusters require a wide variety of educational opportunities and services that are not typically provided through regular instructional programs.

Gifted and Talented Program Goals

Gifted students need to experience success at a level reflecting their abilities, as well as opportunities and encouragement to perceive and attain their potential for excellence. The following are the goals and objectives for the gifted:

To provide an advanced educational program that is flexible, diverse, comprehensive, and appropriate to enable the student to develop his/her abilities to the fullest potential.

To provide each student with opportunities to explore ideas and issues at his/her own pace and level.

To develop the skills of critical thinking, creative and productive thinking, research, problem-solving, decision-making, and leadership.

To promote self-motivation, self-direction, independence, task commitment, and responsibility in learning and project activities.

To utilize the larger community by permitting each student to use community resources, select and pursue topics of interest, and demonstrate expertise at a level beyond his/her chronological age.

To provide an educational program that will enhance the emotional and psychological well-being of each student.

To help each student develop into an intellectually and creatively capable, productive, and compassionate member of society.

To develop an understanding of the importance of diligence and perseverance for the achievement of a productive life.

To help each child gain a realistic and healthy concept of himself/herself - strengths, weaknesses, and potentials.

To strengthen each student's group dynamic skills by fostering cooperation, leadership, decision-making, and problem-solving.

To develop the research and organizational abilities of each student to enable him/her to become an independent and self-motivated learner.

To refine skills in utilizing and resources efficiently and effectively.

To provide opportunities and encouragement for the development of study skills.

To provide a positive atmosphere for the development of self-motivation.

To provide enrichment opportunities for all students.

To provide materials for exploration at a variety of cognitive levels.

To use enrichment experiences as springboards for more in-depth investigations for students who exhibit interest.

Gifted Identification Procedure

In accordance with House Bill 282, gifted and talented identification procedures are in place in the Sebring Local Schools for kindergarten through grade 12. Students may be identified as gifted in one or more of the following categories using the State of Ohio criteria:

·         superior cognitive,

·         specific academic (reading, math, science, and/or social studies),

·         creative thinking,

·         visual/performing arts (art, instrumental and vocal music, dance, and drama). 

The Ohio Department of Education has provided districts a list of assessments that must be used for gifted identification.   State test scores may not be used to identify students.

Students will be screened for superior cognitive ability in the 2nd and 5th grades using InView.  To qualify for identification in superior cognitive, students need to achieve a student ability index (SAI) that is two standard deviations above the mean (minus the standard of error) (128). 

Students will be academically screened for possible reading and math identification in kindergarten through the 6th grade using iReady.  Students qualify for a specific academic area when they achieve a score 95th percentile.  In all other gifted identification categories, students will be assessed on an as-needed basis to determine gifted identification.  

Creative thinking gifted identification requires an SAI of a 112.  In addition, students must meet a qualifying checklist score to meet identification qualifications.  

Visual and performing arts referrals can be made by the district's arts teachers, but can also be made by parents or students as well. These assessments take place on a Saturday at an out-of-district location in the fall and spring.  To qualify as gifted in one of the visual and performing arts, students must meet a qualifying checklist score and provide an audition or display of work for assessment.  The criteria for identification in art, dance, drama, and music vary by discipline. 

A student may be individually referred for testing at any time by a teacher, parent, peer, or self-request. Individual tests are scheduled at a minimum of twice a year – in the fall and spring.  Contact Toni Viscounte, Superintendent / Gifted Coordinator, at 330-938-6165, or email at to make a referral for gifted identification.

The Board of Education for Sebring Local Schools recognizes that the educational growth of children varies; therefore procedures are in place for academic acceleration.  This includes early entrance to kindergarten, whole grade acceleration, subject acceleration, and early graduation.

The district ensures equal opportunity for all district students identified as gifted and talented to receive gifted services offered by the district when available.  Selection of students will be based upon the criteria for gifted identification as outlined by the Ohio Department of Education’s Operating Standards for Identifying and Serving Gifted Students. Depending on the services available, students may be required to have more than one area of identification in order to be served. Students identified and currently receiving services will not need to be re-identified and will remain in the program as long as the district chooses to provide services to students.

Toni Viscounte, Superintendent, Gifted Coordinator

Email Toni Viscounte